APP_NEW = APP_RAW, updated from 1993:1-1996:1 using Gallup phone polls APP_NEWP= APP_RAW*PARTY ASSASSIN= dummy for Reagan assassination attempt CBSNYT = CBS/NYT macropartisanship, 1976:1-- DEM = dummy for Democratic Presidency quarters EVENTS = MES event series GALLUP = MES macropartisanship, 1953:1-92:4 GALNEW = GALLUP updated using Gallup phone series (adjusted) 1988:2-1996:4 GHB = Bush dummy GHB1 = start of Bush administration GRF = Ford sequence GRF1 = GRFT = Variable decaying geometrically with time during Ford's term IKE = Eisenhower sequence IKET = IRAN = JEC = Carter sequence JEC1 = JECT = JFK = Kennedy sequence JFK1 = JFKAPP = JFKCON = JFKT = LAGPARES =lagged("political approval" * PARTY) [see MES 1989] LAGPCON = lagged(MICS * PARTY) LBJ = Johnson sequence LBJ1 = LBJT = MICS = Michigan Index of Consumer Sentiment MICSP = MICS*PARTY PARTY = marker for party control of presidency, 1=DEM and 2=GOP PEVENTS = EVENTS*PARTY PTY_APP = PARTY*APP_RAW QUARTER = quarter during a given year RESID = [ignore this] RMN1 = Nixon sequence RMNT = RWR = Reagan sequence RWR1 = RWRT = TROOPS = Vietnam troops (used by MES) VIETNAM = Vietnam battle deaths (not used by MES) WATERGATE = dummy variable for Watergate crisis WXC = Clinton sequence WXC1 = YEAR = Year